Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dream #4

I get stopped for speeding. I tell the cop he’s a terrorist sympathizer who wants America to fail. He lets me off with a warning. I complain. He admits that he’s not really a cop or a terrorist sympathizer. He’s really Sky King and we go for a spin around the arctic circle in his float plane. We get stopped for speeding by my neighbor riding his leafblower. I tell Sky King, “Hey let me handle this,” and I tell my neighbor, “Hey, I’m your neighbor.” He lets us off with a warning and gets in the plane. Everything is green and white and blue, even the traffic lights. That seems really weird, like you know in your dream that something is not quite right, but the idea starts to grow on Sky King and my neighbor and me. We agree that if traffic lights were green and white and blue, the world would be a better place. Much better. I wake up feeling really good about the inevitable forthcoming betterness. Blue means go. White means wonder. Green means pause.

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